Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hotter Than the Sun

I have about 3 minutes on the internet. So I will just say after a 9 hour bus ride, a night in the hottest hotel on the planet, and a little over an hour boat ride, I have made it to the island of Zanzibar. This is still really my first couple of days out really on my own and I have to say what an amazing feeling it is. For the first time in my life I feel like a traveler. It is very scary finding my way through bus stations to hotels and ferry docks. People are all over you from the second the bus stops. But I feel that I am getting into the Africa travel groove and I pretty much meet people everywhere. It is a great feeling to be able to go it on my own. Makes me feel like if I can do this I can do anything.
So the power is out on all of zanibar. This is like saying the power is out on one of the Hawaiian islands. That is how big it is. Everything is running off generator and they are having a major heat wave. I got to my hotel this morning and I was just sitting on the bed and sweat was dripping off me. I can honestly say I have never experienced this kind of heat. Down by the water there is a nice breeze so you have to stay outside. Tomorrow I head to a beach hotel for a few days.
She is kicking me off the computer so over and out.


  1. Send all excess heat here! Now!!! Can use all we can get. Temp's in the teens here. Not quite the Polar region temps, but damm close I say.

    Recalling a line from Hill Street Blues, the greatest cop show of all time, "Let's be careful out there." Love You!!! Dad.

  2. Confucius say, " A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." You have made your first steps. Learn to say a firm NO to the street peddlers. Love, Mom
